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Mining Companies
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Encanto Potash Corp. (EPO) has been working with its First Nations partners for the past four years to establish significant potash resources. EPO has a 100% interest in the Muskowekwan Potash Project underlying 61,400 acres.
The Endako Mine is a primary, surface molybdenum mine located near Fraser Lake, 100 miles northwest of Prince George, British Columbia. The mine is operated as a joint venture with Thompson Creek holding a 75% interest and Sojitz Corporation, a Japanese company, holding a 25% interest.
Endeavour is a gold producer delivering growth. Endeavour owns Four gold mines producing more than 400,000 ounces per year in Mali, Ghana, Burkina Faso, and Côte d'Ivoire.   Endeavour's annual gold production is forecast to exceed 400,000 ounces per year during 2014, including the start-up of commercial...
America’s premier uranium producer.  Energy Fuels is a fully-integrated producer of both uranium and vanadium, with the only operating uranium mill in the United States.  Uranium is the fuel for clean, carbon-free electricity.  Vanadium is utilized in steel alloys and advanced battery technologies.  Built on a...
We are in the business of energy. We work with energy and our operations and assets provide the raw materials that are critical for sustaining our modern way of life.    We have operations and offices located in four countries across three continents. Our inventory of assets includes world class, long life, competitive...
Our Fording River operation is located 29 kilometres northeast of the community of Elkford, in southeastern British Columbia. Fording River is comprised of approximately 23,000 hectares of coal lands.
Formation Metals Inc. is a well-established Canadian mineral exploration and mine development company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol FCO, the OTC-QX trading platform under the symbol FMETF and on the Frankfurt Exchange under the symbol FOQ. Through its wholly owned subsidiaries it has interests in base and precious...
The Fort à la Corne area of Saskatchewan hosts one of the most extensive kimberlite fields in the world. Over 70 kimberlites exist in the Fort à la Corne forest and over 70 percent of these have been shown to contain diamonds.
Fortuna Silver Mines is positioned for sustainable growth with two low-cost underground operating silver mines and extensive property holdings in Peru and Mexico. Formed in 2005, the company has established a reputation as an efficient mine builder and strong operator. Today, Fortuna is one of Latin America's fastest-growing silver...
Since 1995 exploration, environmental studies and other work has been underway leading up to the development of the proposed Gahcho Kué diamond mine.